St. Michael Parish follows a stewardship way of life. We are all called to be “One who accepts God’s gifts graciously, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.” (from the United States Catholic Bishops Pastoral letter on Stewardship).

All members of St. Michael Parish are asked to prayerfully reflect on the gifts that each of us has received. We are then called to return a thankful portion of our time, talent, and treasure. Time can be in the form of prayer, our talents are put to use in ministry to others, and our treasure is needed to support the long-term financial health of the parish. In addition to our parish expenses, our parish financially supports St. Michael Parish School, Wheeling Central Catholic High School, and numerous charities in our community.

Please prayerfully consider how you can be generous with your time, talent and treasure commitments.

Sunday Morning Mass Broadcast


Liturgical Ministries

Lector – Proclaim the Word at Mass 

Eucharist Minister – Distribute the Body & Blood of Christ at the Mass 

Altar Server – Aids the priest with Pastoral needs during the Mass. 

Usher – Assist with seating and collecting the offertory at Mass 

  • Contact:  Parish Office at 304-242-1560. 

Liturgy Committee – Aids the clergy in improving the environment of the Mass.  Assists with special services and carries out the decorating of the church for the appropriate season. 

  • Contact:  Kathy Bonenberger at 304-242-1560, ext 9 or email at


Christian Mothers/Christian Women – To help like-minded Catholic or Christian Mothers (spiritual and physical moms) come together through prayer, sharing, Scripture, and reception of Sacraments.

Men’s Group The men’s group provides men an opportunity for continued faith formation and fellowship.

Parish Festival – A 3-day fun-filled Community Event sponsored by parishioners and school families with 100% of the proceeds benefiting SMPS.

Rummage Sale Assist with gathering, organizing, and pricing items, set-up, and tear-down for this annual fundraiser.

  • Contact: Parish Office at 304-242-1560

Pro-Life CommitteeThis ministry educates members of the parish and community about all issues relating to the sanctity of life from conception to natural death; the key focus being the right to life of the unborn, the elderly, and the infirmed.

Bereavement Ministry – Losing a loved one is considered the most traumatic experience a family can experience. The St. Michael Angel Ministry offers support to families that have suffered a loss.

It provides a formal way for our parish to reach out to families after the death of a parishioner. Angels send condolence notes to families twice in the year following their loss and invite them to our November Prayer Service for Beloved Deceased parishioners.

  • Contact: Launa Post a 724-484-7700, or Janet Boyle at 304-242-3892.

Young Adult GroupThis group works to continue faith enriching activities and fellowship opportunities for young adults

Youth Ministry

Youth Group – Faith, food and fun monthly meetings that includes service projects that give back to our community; Diocesan Youth Rallies; 2 day get-away at Camp Zion; and National Catholic Youth Convention.  Grades 3 – 12.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Held each Sunday at the 9:00am Mass for all children ages 3-7.  Under the direction of the Youth Director, the children learn about the Sunday gospel and complete a related art project. 

Scouts of America – Support young people to become an integral part of our community by providing the opportunity to fully participate in a fun and exciting, quality program that builds character, leadership skills, citizenship, personal fitness and spiritual development while instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Law.  

Prayer Ministry

Eucharistic Adoration – A one hour weekly commitment to pray in the Adoration Chapel in the presence of the Eucharist. 

Email Prayer Tree – A Prayer chain for special intention requests. 

Weekly Rosary Devotion – Weekly opportunity to offer petitions and pray the Rosary with a community of Catholics.

Faith Formation

Parish School of Religion Catechist (PSR) – To teach the Catholic faith using established curriculum. K – 8th Grade

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) – Open to both Catholics and non-Catholics.  Participants will learn more about the Catholic Faith or prepare to join the Catholic Faith. 

Baptism Preparation – Classes for parents to prepare for the baptism of their child.

Confirmation Preparation – Instruction for preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.

Music Ministry

Provides accompaniment for music at Masses and other parish celebrations under leadership of parish music director.  

Musician – Cantor – Choir – Folk Group – Handbell Choir   

Other Groups/Ministries

Serra Club – This organization helps to promote and foster vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. 

Knights of Columbus (Carroll Council No. 504) – We empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work, and in their community.