Parish Finance Council

Members of the Finance Council are advisory with the pastor in financial matters, as well as decisions regarding maintenance and repair of parish properties and buildings.

Members of Finance Council

Dave Barnett, Chair
Jacob Altmeyer
Ben Beckett
Paul Curnes
Teena Miller
Steven Waters
Marissa Saludes
Wendy Hinerman
Adrianne Manning
Michelle Patterson

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council assists the pastor in his leadership role in the parish. Council members foster unity and a sense of community as they promote, coordinate, and implement activities for the common good of the parish.


David Post, Chair
Andrew Coleman
Jimmy Dean
Erin Mandel
Emma Romanek
Jeremy Rotilio
Adriana Wolf
Karen Yocum
Larysa Brothers, Student Representative
Hunter Mueller, Student Representative
Wendy Hinerman

Buildings and Grounds Committee


Denny Wilson, Chair
John Carenbauer
Matthew Mansuetto
Michael Rempe
Kevin Stryker
Larry Teufel
Wendy Hinerman
Adrianne Manning
Michelle Patterson
Pat Duffy
Pete Nanney

Stewardship Council

Janet Boyle, Chair
Lawrence Finneran
Craig O`Leary
Launa Post
Louis Volpe
Wendy Hinerman

Personnel Committee

John Moore, Chair
Thomas Galinski
Craig O`Leary
Launa Post
Wendy Hinerman

Liturgy Committee

Kathy Bonenberger, Chair
Chad Carter
Megan Caruso
Sandy Pell
Wendy Hinerman

SMPS School Board

John Carenbauer
Sarah Kilpatrick
Jen Robinson
Corey Pietranton
Sis Richardson
James Sayre
Adriana Woof
Fr. Carlos Melocoton
Adrianne Manning
Sara Herron
Michelle Patterson

Leadership Council Consultant

Maureen McNabb